Saturday, February 7, 2009


all these M'sawah things really makes my personal life haywire......afraid been throw out of the room and the house hahaha wan getting mad with me...didnt laundry once a week (kalau sempat la)..huh....its all about M'SAWAH...and last friday AIG did call me to offer me work with them...Business Process Assoc. (sounds cool huh) but then again...its a call from AIG....American comp? i dont think its secure for the time being looking at the current situation kan..emmm yes...paid that they offered quite good...tu lah makes me scary somehow..yang Shell pulak offer sikit sangat...berdebar aku...huh...should i stay or should i go...whats the best? what to do..what to do...pray and ask from god la deyyy


bastard united said...

AIG asia is quite stable la babes...

Aireen Osman said...

quie really not convincing la beb...scary

Aireen Osman said...

ur quite i mean

bastard united said...

it is stable. I deal with them..So far no problems on payment.