Tuesday, May 19, 2009

we're 1 yr old...yayyyyy

Sampai dah nak habis bulan...i'm still thinking what is so special about May....goshhhh its our 1st anniversary la deyy..kenapa aku lupa pasal our lovey dovey anniversary ni ehh...owhhh yuppp i was in jb at that time...celebrate ramai2 dengan dd sekali.....how about table for two kan...emrmmmm tak sempat lagi...wan bz..me bz...bz..bz..bz..tu yg zygote tak menjadi2...hahaha....anyway...hope the love that cherish, the promise that we build together will allways be with us....to make our journey happy ever after....wahhh dah mcm fairytale kan...tapi itu la yang dipohon kepada Nya setiap hari..aminnnn...to my lovely wan osman...i love you more and more each day..i love u so much for so many reason...no matter what :)


bastard united said...

many happy returns of the day. May your love last for a life time dearie....

Aireen Osman said...

thanxx jas...and...when is yours?maliah dah lepas...nazib...soon...hang?

*yellow volks* said...

aireen epy anibersari. semoga cepat2 dpt wan junir. hikhik

Aireen Osman said...

hahhahahahahhaa......mao dapat junir...wahhh kan aku kata zygote pon tak jadi2 lagik..

Azrine Razak said...

cayang gak ko ye! ingatkan radical sangat..huhuhu

Aireen Osman said...

uishhh aku tak la seradical yg disangkakan...hahaha